August Insect Symphony

That’s what fills the air of August nights, right? At least here. Busy month, in part by medical necessities for family. In part also, as it’s time for prepping Fall semester.

Word has come down officially that I received news late last week that a contract has been drafted for A 21st Century Guide to Teaching Beowulf with MIP. We have a date too. By December 31, a production ready copy of the book will be turned into the press. Now the pressure is on for myself and the other contributors with editorial requests that will be coming soon.

Was hoping to share both a publication announcement for Lovecraft Annual 2018 (usually released on this special day — see below) and Spectral Realms No. 9 from Hippocampus Press that will feature my work. So, there may be more posts ahead once I receive word on those forthcoming issues. In the meantime I can’t praise enough some recent acquisitions from the publisher: What is Anything, A life in Lovecraft by S. T. Joshi and Dead Reckonings No. 23 (with Ramsey’s Rant alone makes these very valuable, but there are also standout essays on Clark Ashton Smith by Scott Connors, Gary Myer’s House Of The Worm by Nicholas Diak, and “The Theory and Practice of Satirical Criticism” by S. T. Joshi) .


Spent a great weekend also at the Blackrock Medieval Festival. The size of the participants was down from prior years but still another great authentic medieval gathering with Her Majesty’s Royal Guard topping the show.

The Mystic Poet William Blake finally received a headstone for his grave:

We Hate Bards has been running a thrilling adventure called The Lost Island by Cristopher Charles Frank using my Realms of Fantasy RPG at The Gamer’s Wharf. These sessions will continue until the end of 2018.

That’s all folks.

Last words: Happy Birthday H. P. Lovecraft!

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